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What is the reason for the abnormal vibration of the box filter press

When using a box type filter press, it is normal to have some vibration, after all, bearings and other rotations also need to have a 

certain vibration process, as long as the vibration is not too big a problem. however

If you really notice abnormal vibration, it is likely an internal fault of the filter press, and we should still adjust and deal with it in 

a timely manner.

It is recommended to check the force situation during the use of the filter press. It is necessary to ensure that the force on the filter 

press is uniform and appropriate, and serious collisions cannot occur because there is a certain sealing space inside.

If such imbalanced pressure occurs, it is actually easy for internal equipment failures to occur. Therefore, if the filter press experiences 

abnormal vibration, it is likely to be related to an imbalance of internal forces

System. Pay attention to the components, as these types of equipment have many different parts. In fact, some parts may become

 loose during operation, although it may not seem like a big problem

However, if not checked and dealt with in a timely manner, it may also cause equipment vibration and even lead to some serious 

malfunctions. Therefore, a basic monthly inspection or attention to zero

The basic fixation of components, in fact, simple fixation can avoid the occurrence of problems.

When we choose to purchase a box type filter press, we pay special attention to comprehensive measurement. We all hope to buy 

a high-end filter press, and I hope to ensure its quality. But in fact,

The future use is more important. If you don't want the equipment to malfunction frequently, regular inspection and processing are 

also crucial.

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