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Check if the various connections of the sludge filter press are firm

The mechanical equipment of sludge filter press is often in good condition to achieve high work efficiency. Therefore, it is important 

to ensure the condition of the sludge filter press. But for enterprises without experience in using sludge filter presses, what details 

need to be paid attention to when adjusting to sludge treatment efficiency, and from what aspects?

Before construction, it is generally necessary to carefully check whether the various connections of the sludge filter press are firm, 

and whether the operating contact of each component is good. If any abnormalities are found, they should be promptly reported to

 the repair personnel for repair. If poor accuracy or insensitivity of actions caused by electrical components are found, they should 

be repaired or replaced in a timely manner.

Secondly, the maintenance of the hydraulic system mainly involves checking and maintaining the sealing of hydraulic components 

and various interfaces. If the sludge filter press is not used for a long time, the filter plates of the frame filter press should be cleaned 

and neatly discharged on the frame of the filter press. Dry the filter cloth after cleaning; The exposed parts of the piston rod and the

 integrated block should be coated with butter.

Finally, regularly check the sealing surface of the sludge filter press to ensure its smoothness and cleanliness; Before tightening, 

carefully inspect the filter cloth to ensure that the plate and frame filter press is not folded, damaged, or trapped, making it flat and 

flawless to ensure the effectiveness of the filter press; The plate and frame filter press should be frequently washed with filter cloth 

to ensure good filtration of the filtrate.

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