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How to operate the plate and frame filter press correctly

No matter how good the equipment is, improper operation can cause a decrease in work efficiency and even equipment malfunction.

 Today we will talk about how to operate the frame filter press correctly.

1、 The pressure index of the scheduling constant pressure valve is generally adjusted to 0.05-0.10MPA, and the filtering pressure 

should be kept stable. Then open valves 11 and 15

2、 Open valves 1, 2, and 6, and the filter slurry is pressed into the filter press by compressed air. Open valves 3 or 4, and the 

filtrate enters the metering tank.

3、 Check the filtrate. If the filtrate is clear, the external filtration is normal. If the filtrate is found to be turbid or contain filter 

residue, it indicates that there is a problem during the filtration process. The filtration should be interrupted and the filter cloth 

should be checked

And the condition of the equipment, whether the filter plate and filter frame are deformed, whether there are cracks, and whether 

there are leaks in the pipelines.

4、 Record the amount of filtrate and the corresponding time. When the reading on the inlet pressure gauge of the filter press 

increases to near the pressure on the constant pressure tank, the measurement ends. Open valve 9 or 10 to remove the filtrate


5、 Close valve 6, open valve 7, wash the filter residue with clean water, and measure the amount of filtrate and corresponding time 

together to obtain the filtration speed.

6、 Close valves 3 and 7, open valve 8, and blow compressed air on the filter residue to prevent it from falling. Then close valves 5 

and 8, unload the filter residue, and wash the filter cloth. If there is any remaining material in the constant pressure material tank,

Valve 26 or valve 19 can be opened to press the remaining material into the batching tank or discharge it with air. Finally, close 

valves 11 and 15 and turn off the air compressor.

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