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What are the main components of a belt filter press

The composition of a belt filter press is the first question that users need to understand, and what is the reason why its filter chamber

 cannot be sealed? Today, the editor will take you

Understand the issue together.

1. The filter cloth of the belt filter press is misplaced. There are many reasons why the filter room cannot be sealed. Lixinbu, we need

 to start with a simple approach by surrounding the filter room,

Check if the filter cloth is wrinkled, perhaps there is damage to the edges of the filter cloth. Due to the structure of the filter room

 being made up of filter plates and filter cloth interpenetrating each other, it was difficult for strong players to build lawns

Great pressure relies on it, and ordinary filter plates are not prone to problems, so the rest is filter cloth. The key is to form a seal 

between the hard filter plates

If the filter cloth has a sexual effect, the wrinkles or damage of the natural filter cloth may easily create gaps between the filter plates, 

and the natural filter chamber will not form a seal.

2. The belt filter press lacks pressure. The filter plate and filter cloth must be subjected to strong pressure in order to complete the 

construction of a closed filter chambeWhen there is a lack of pressure, when the pressure applied to the filter plate of the belt filter 

press is less than the pressure of the filtered liquid, the natural filtered liquid will naturally be able to pass through the gaps

Infiltrate out.

3. Deformation or damage of the filter plate of the belt filter press. When the edge of the filter plate is damaged, even if it is slightly 

raised, even if one side is often worn out, it is the same

When in contact with other filter plates, regardless of the pressure, the filter chamber formed will also permeate. We judge this 

based on the condition of the leakage point, as

The damage to the filter plate results in significant infiltration, to the extent that it may radiate.

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